Our Hall has a 90-person capacity, a full-service kitchen, and other amenities. Renting the Hall costs $325.00. The kitchen, if needed, is an additional $50.00, the bar if needed, is and additional $50.00 and there is a $200.00 cleaning deposit (returned if Hall is cleaned). A contract is required. For further information please leave a message for our Hall Rental Coordinator, Sue Silver @ (585) 334-8228
All alcoholic beverages consumed on site must be purchased through the post. New York State Liquor Authority prohibits “bringing your own bottle” and requires you leave whatever alcohol product you purchased at the post when you leave the post. It is recommended that you purchase only what you need. Please discuss your alcohol needs with our Bar Steward, Bob Jeffers, or our Hall Rental Coordinator, Sue Silver.
The Post reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.