Join Today And Help Us Help Veterans and Communities

If you have served at least one day of active military duty since December 7, 1941 and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion.

Among the Benefits:

  • Exclusive Member Discounts

    Your membership gives you and your family practical, money-saving discounts that can easily save you many times the cost of your annual membership dues. There are discounts for car rental, home services, electronics and technology, financial and insurance services, travel and lodging, and more.

  • 12 Issues of The Legion Magazine

    The monthly magazine boasts features on military, veterans and political topics written by talented writers, professional journalists and world leaders.

  • A Powerful Voice in Nation’s Capital

    The American Legion is the nation’s most influential, effective and dependable advocate of veteran affairs fighting for better active-duty pay, improved housing for active-duty families, guaranteed GI Bill education benefits, and helping to ensure that the VA’s medical system can properly care for veterans.

  • VA Benefit Assistance

    Your membership helps support Department Service Officers who assist veterans in preparing claims and obtaining their full military healthcare benefits through the VA.

  • Access to Scholarships and Programs

    Posts, County Legions and the Department offer a variety of scholarhips for Legion Family members entering college.

  • Outreach in Local Communities

    Whether holding holiday parties for kids, coordinating regular blood drives, providing a venue for charitable events, mentoring Boy Scouts and junior shooters, or sponsoring elite Legion baseball teams (just to name a few), local posts have a strong heritage of community service.

  • Natural Camaraderie

    Where else can you spend time with others who understand where you’ve been, and where you are, as a veteran?