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Ely-Fagan American Legion Auxiliary

Who We Are

Patriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to the American Legion Auxiliary that for a century, we’ve been serving, educating, and giving to America’s finest — our military.

We answer the call of Service Not Self. We are the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselves.

We are the American Legion Auxiliary. And we make a difference. You’ll find us in more than 8,000 local communities in the USA and in foreign countries. Founded in 1919 during the first National Convention of The American Legion, the ALA has grown to be one of the largest veterans support organizations. And we’d love for you to be part of our mission outreach.

ALA Mission

Mission Statement
In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

Vision Statement
The vision of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.


In fulfillment of our Mission, the American Legion Auxiliary adheres to the following purposes:

  • To support and advocate for veterans, active military and their families
  • To support the initiatives and programs of The American Legion
  • To foster patriotism and responsible citizenship
  • To award scholarships and promote quality education and literacy
  • To provide educational and leadership opportunities that uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy and encourage good citizenship and patriotism in government
  • To increase our capacity to deliver our Mission by providing meaningful volunteer opportunities within our communities
  • To empower our membership to achieve personal fulfillment through Service Not Self


Our statement of values is predicated on the founding purposes:

  • Commitment to the four founding principles: Justice, Freedom, Democracy, Loyalty
  • Service to God, our country, its veterans and their families
  • Tradition of patriotism and citizenship
  • Personal integrity and family values
  • Respect for the uniqueness of individual members
  • Truthful open communication in dealing with the public and our members
  • Adherence to the adopted policies and rules

A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families

We know that military service is a sacrifice for the whole family, so ALA members quietly look for ways to ease the burden — whatever it takes to get that family back on their feet physically, mentally, socially, and vocationally. If we don’t have the resources, we connect military families with our partners who do.

In honoring our veterans, one of our core values is to demonstrate and pass on respect for our country and our nation’s flag. We promote patriotic youth programs, most notably the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State and Girls Nation programs, held regionally and nationally, along with education programs, contests, and scholarships in local school systems.

Making our communities better places in which to live is another core value put into action by American Legion Auxiliary members every day across the country. Whether hosting a stand down to bring vital health and support services to homeless veterans, or coordinating a send-off or welcome-home event for a deployed military unit, ALA members are continuously at work in their communities, demonstrating the compassion and heart we have for those who serve our country and protect our freedoms.

The American Legion Auxiliary’s declaration — the story of who we are, what we do, and why we matter

We are the American Legion Auxiliary.
We are called to serve.
We respect our country and the service of those who defend our freedoms.
We are loyal to our United States Constitution and to those who protect it.
We are humbled by the courage of our veterans and their families.
We are alone, yet we stand together.
We are of every color. We are of every faith.
We are of every age.
We are anyone and everyone.
We are common and extraordinary.
We are citizens.
We live in small towns.
We live in suburbs.
We live in cities.
We work in fields, in factories, warehouses, offices, at home.
We are a community. We help one another.
We love our flag and all that it stands for.
We are many. We are one.
We are the American Legion Auxiliary. A Community of Volunteers
Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.
We commit ourselves to the ideal: Service Not Self.

ALA Fast Stats

 3.2 million hours volunteered in serving veterans and military
 Nearly 8,000 local Auxiliary units
 Nearly $7 million raised and spent on youth, scholarships, communities
 $1 million in scholarships awarded
 Learning opportunities through our Mission Training events and ALA Academy courses
 Part of a membership that makes up The American Legion Family